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Optimizations of the excel sheets you already use today. 

Extendit improves your sheet's efficiency and effectiveness through custom-built automations. 

Better & Faster Processes

Custom-built but in software you know

No subscriptions or recurrent costs. 

Your trusted spreadsheets,
on steroids.

You know your business best. And you probably created good spreadsheet processes and data housekeeping of your own. 

We can help you take them to the next level with advanced automations, personalized formulas, customized actions or any other functionality on your bucket list. 


What We Offer

We love helping people meet their business needs. Our drive is to blow. your. mind. 

Woman choosing new spreadsheet

New spreadsheets

We can create new spreadsheets to tackle your business needs. Even if you have no idea how a spreadsheet could solve your problem, ask us!

Spreadsheets features

Optimize existing sheets

You already have spreadsheets in your business. If only you could make them do X, or link it to Y, or automate Z.

We probably can - so ask us!

winner who is supported


Just need help or advise on how to optimize your spreadsheets? Or wonder what spreadsheet software to use for your business? Ask us, because most of all we just love helping people. 

template machine


We also create (automated) templates for your recurring tasks or documents. 

Feels custom-built, yet integrated in the software you already know and use

There are many great business softwares out there. But there is a reason you use spreadsheets in MS Excel or Google Drive for your business today. It's simple, cheap and easy to customize to your unique business needs. Your colleagues know how to use it, and you can access your files anywhere.

Once we are done with your spreadsheets, your spreadsheets will feel like custom-developed software. And because you know the software it is built in, you can continue to make your own changes - and keep it up to date to your evolving needs.


Ready for a boost? 

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